Feedback on BitchesTeaBoys video project
Enjoyed meeting you guys properly, love what you're doing and I wish you luck in the future. I will try to keep in touch!
John Paterson. Illustrator and animator.
I thought it was well crafted, how you created a story line and how it was cut together, you made really good decisions. I didn't even register that it was your first video. Your footage worked well, as when it was edited you don't see the two types of media (not easy when you had two different styles of footage from a hidden camera shot in 4:3 and another shot in 16:9.) A well done nicely packaged piece of work.
David Yu. Nine Trades artist
Great idea. Very Funny!
I just love your film, the use of music is brilliant. Well done!
Annette McTavish. Nine Trades Project Manager
Great idea, funny and thought provoking too
Very clever video. In the public presentation they complimented each other wonderfully. It was a nice mix, both informal and informative.
Jonathan Baxter. D-AiR Dundee Artists in residence
They're good guys, really good guys. I don't meet many men who make me think that. They do.
Alan Grieve. Nine Trades Artist/Hairdresser
It's been great to see the amount of hard work you've put into this finally pay off. Stardom beckons!
Alistair Wilson Library worker and LIFE group worker.
Very enjoyable film.It was good as you were both present at the exhibition and to hear your side of the story. You were open to feedback. I thought it was really effective agitprop. What was clever was I didn't feel that I was being preached at. In terms of campaigning it effectively delivered the message. It's a success.
Ben Robinson. Writer, critic and Nine Trades artist.
Bold stuff for a first art project and in your home town. It makes people think which is always worthwhile. Well done lads!
Frazer Macdonald. Nine Trades Artist.
I liked it, especially the way you used the buskers soundtrack. It was quite surreal with the tent. Doing it in your home town was pretty bold. It was good work.
Ewan Taylor. Artist, Inefficient Solutions.
You should be really proud of yourselves. Excellent work from the concept to the final exhibition. Its been a real pleasure working with you.
Ange Taggart Nine Trades Artist
I think your first work turned out really well, retaining your humour and
adding a surreal twist. The tent looks great, it certainly is arresting to
see it in shopping land, especially adding the astro turf outside the second
boots with its dead/ dying plants. Very funny. And the Mr Babbitch
electronic 'er er' buzzer noise. Quality. I liked the confusion of the
security man who didn't have a clue what was happening and you boys
just smiled and carried on making it work. It turned out really funny,
engaging and informative. That's a result in anyones book if you
ask me. Pity I couldn't get to the exhibition, but if it went half as well
as the video looks, then you boys are onto a winner.
AND all that and you didn't have to pay for it! A free natural high
(and a good first hit on your art CV's). Keep on adventuring men, let's see
where you go. Remember to keep in touch with all the people you met, keep
the ideas coming and use the contacts to get what you need. Don't let them
forget you.
Up the lads!
Chris Graham Artist and mentor.